Tuesday, 1 May 2012


A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step”...The wisdom of Lao Tzu
Starting a blog with such a cliché quote!!!! I am sure that most of you are wondering about it. But a cliché is a cliché for a reason. And it is the same reason why I have used it.

Many a times in my life I was told that I could be a writer or should write a book; in reply I either just smiled or said that I would surely write someday. But writing a book will not be the main issue, selecting a publisher from the long line outside my door will be. Then comes the embarrassment of becoming a celebrity writer: signing autograph, receiving awards, giving interviews and above all, bringing joy to all the die-hard readers and charging them for reading my book...that is too much.

Instead, I let my writings free from the above mentioned pressure, free for all. If no one reads them, I can open the blog every time I am online, may be more than once at a time and keep the visitor-count going. Also, I can write just about anything that comes in my mind, without maintaining any chronology or TimeLine, as it is called these days.

Unfortunately, I do not remember when I have taken the first step of writing...was it the long sms I used to send or was it long e-mails. But I am absolutely sure that it was not the examinations, written over the years...those were written using Hieroglyphics, Kanji, Hiragana, and Arabic letters/signs...sometimes even in Morse code...though I was using my mother-tongue during my school days or English during my graduation and master.

Now all those pending writings were getting auto-saved (yes Microsoft, if your document/ppt/sheet can get auto-saved, so can my thoughts...and ‘C’ is just a letter, ‘C+’, ‘C++’ are grades to me, not any language...so face it) in the space between my skull and my brain; and believe you me...it is a lot of space. But like every good thing has an end, that space is also limited and I finally ran out of it. So I thought, why not take the help of the fundamentals of cloud-computing and save the space inside my head. So I will put my thoughts in this open space of Google. I hope my thoughts will stay there until they develop some other technology and no reader will take even a word from it into his/her skull-brain space, if any.

By the way...if you don’t know what cloud-computing is, please don’t Google/Wiki it...it feels nice not to know everything. Be a human being and stay ignorant rather than becoming a Wikipedia of flesh and blood. But if you know it...congratulations!!!!...you know something that an ignorant person like me can find out by Googling and getting about 374,000,000 results within 0.21 seconds.

I wish to achieve not much by writing these. The Old Monk007 has become older and wiser. But his wisdom is different...it involves unlearning many smart things and find the simple stupid things of life. This is not that old promise to write a book, this is not an advertisement of my language or writing skill, this is not a show of my knowledge...this is just the clouding of my thoughts from one place to another.

But I will be the happiest if someone likes even one line of my writings...even for less than 0.21 seconds...

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